The Art & Science Programme of the Joint Research Centreof the European Commission has launched its fourth edition of Resonances – a two year cycle exploring the nexus of art, science and policy on a topic of priority to the EU.
NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract aims to explore – through artistic, scientific and legal expressions – how providing nature and its phenomena with a contract that integrates her juridically into our society, can redefine our anthropocentric attitudes and help us shift persepectives towards an EU Green Deal.
Kickstarting the cycle, a Summer School will take place 20-24th June 2022. Artists selected from an internatioanl Open Call will be exploring discourse, practices and consequences of NaturArchy together with researchers and scientists from the JRC and EC policymakers.
An art-science theatre play about women in science, commissioned by the Joint Research Centre – European Commission.
The theatre & science initiative Parola di Donna@JRC is culminating 1.5 years of deep cross-disciplinary work at the intersections of artistic inquiry and science for policy, with the play
“Feeling Science: un esperimento teatrale” Friday 11th of March 2022 Teatro Santucci, Varese (IT)
“ These are complex times for our European history, and we have personally felt the complexity of the relationship between science and policy. We need to find a new order, a new way to deal with the cognitive power that science offers policy. At this very moment, as a group of women, scientists who work to support European policy, we feel the urgency to step on stage and challenge ourselves. Western theatrical tradition has long given us female bodies that are sacrificed in the name of new social orders, starting from Antigone and Iphigenia. So what happens if political and scientific language meet in the ritual field of theatre, using female bodies, for once not as scapegoats, but bodies that are thinkers, agents, writers of a new “logos”? Conscious of these nuances and issues, we are trying to understand how to make them interact in a new way, that allows a new TECHNE to make itself known; using artists and scientists as willing guinea pigs, as human bodies with agency in a ritual space. A techne that in fact uses rationale and absurdity, consciousness and the subconscious, and scientific and emotive language, in new, possible, combinations…“
Project by Angela Dematté and Simona Gonella. Jointly directed by Simona Gonella and Andrea Chiodi. Screenplay by Angela Dematté. Assistant playwright – Gianluca Madaschi. Scientific counsel provided by JRC SciArt. Video recording directed by Fabio Bilardo. Light design by Marco Grisa. Music by Ferdinando Baroffio.
Joint creation and performance by JRC researchers: Sandra Coecke, Naouma Kourti, Matina Halkia, Alba Bernini, Isabella Cerutti, Rosanna di Gioia, Agnes Hegedus, Nicole Ostlaender, Joanna Bartnicka in collaboration with actress Franca Maria de Monti
Organised by JRC SciArt in collaboration with Parola di Donna Varese.
Language: Italian
Tickets are fully booked. The play will be performed again in October 2022. Stay tuned!
AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link Through Art & Science
Polyhedra is pleased to announce that registration for the first KLAS Workshop “AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link Through Art & Science” is now open and can be accessed from the following link:
The workshop is an opportunity to bring together scholars and practitioners to jointly discuss and reflect on contents, approaches and methodologies that draw the link between synthetic biology and artistic research and how those can synergically interact by mutually interrogating and reconsidering their methodologies and modes of operation in an Artist in Residence program like KLAS. In this workshop we are particularly interested in discussions and perspectives that explore how different institutions, organizations and interest groups with relevant expertise and knowledge of research, innovation and education address contemporary challenges of future developments in and beyond their respective knowledge silos.
There is an additional Call for Posters. Selected posters will be on view throughout the two days of workshop. Their presentation will take place at 16h on Tuesday 28th of November.
The workshop will take place in the Main hall of the Max Planck Campus in Potsdam-Golm the afternoon of Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of November 2017.
There will be a live-stream for those who won’t be able to attend.
With the participation of
Sabine Adler Arren Bar-Even Christoph von Braun Adriaan Eeckels Peter Fratzl Detlev Ganten Reinhard Lipowsky Agnes Meyer-Brandis Roger Malina Darian Meacham Heike Catherina Mertens Martina Münch Bryan Nowack Ingeborg Reichle Hans-Jörg Rheinberger Tom Robinson Maximilian Schich Nathalie Singer Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski Volker Stollorz Antje Tepperwien Alex de Vries Lothar Willmitzer Siegfried Zielinski
Goldsmiths, University of London is launching a new MSc programme for the academic year 2018-19 in Psychology of the Arts, Neuroaesthetics and Creativity, the first postgraduate programme in the world for the scientific study of aesthetics and creativity.
At the intersection of the arts and the sciences, the programme introduces you to the psychology and the cognitive neuroscience of how humans generate new ideas, how we appreciate beauty, and how we form preferences.
Aesthetic and creative decisions are relevant in the visual and the performing arts, and in many applied and commercial contexts, ranging from clinical interventions to curating exhibitions, from dance choreography to marketing and advertising. Based in the Department of Psychology, in collaboration with Computing, Media and Communications and the Institute of Management Studies, the course builds critical knowledge, research and communication skills across the arts and the sciences, centred around two key topics: the psychological and brain mechanisms of making (Creativitiy) and appreciating (Neuroaesthetics) art. Conducting a research project with an interdisciplinary focus will prepare you for a research career in aesthetic or creative science, working in the creative industry, or to develop your artistic practice.
Goldsmiths is uniquely placed to offer this programme, with an internationally renowned reputation in the arts and the sciences. Existing courses combining art and psychology often have a largely therapeutic focus and rarely cover the psychology of aesthetic appreciation or creative cognition, in a broader profile. In contrast, business-oriented courses in marketing, advertising and consumer psychology often lack adequate scientific training in experimental psychology or cognitive neuroscience methods, which is required for a scientific approach to aesthetics and creativity. Optional modules based in the departments Media & Communications, Computing, and the Institute of Management Studies will complement and challenge the scientific perspective, acknowledging the richly diverse, unique and culturally-specific nature of human aesthetic and creative practice.
There are two Artist in Residence programmes that will take place at the MPI for Colloids and Interfaces, the MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology (both located in Golm, Germany) and the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). The Call is open until January 31st, 2017.
Synthetic biology is a thriving field at the interface between molecular and cell biology and engineering disciplines. It is predominantly based on design, construction and analysis of new functions and unprecedented biological systems while it also allows a better understanding of existing biological phenomena by means of its synthetic “reconstruction”. AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link through Art and Science (KLAS) main goal is to initiate collaborative artistic and scientific exchange to foster transdisciplinary dialogues as well as to contribute to a wider understanding and appreciation of synthetic biology.
The knowledge link established during the residency period intends to influence both the work of the participant research groups and the resident artists. This bidirectional feedback is expected to provide a highly fertile ground for a dialogue that should also attract the attention of non-specialized audiences much more easily than purely scientific orientated discourses.
Artists interested in exploring the aesthetic and discursive possibilities that are derived from the connections between innovative creative practices, new materialistic approaches and synthetic biology research are invited to submit an application.
This competition is open for artists to propose all kind of innovative concepts and ideas in the field of visual art, interactive art, digital music/sound art, sculptural art, hybrid art, performance & choreography, architecture and photography.
The call is open to artists internationally to apply for a residency program at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, both located in Golm (DE) as well as the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute of the University of Groningen (NL).
There will be two Artist-in-Residence stays within the time period June to September 2017. The artists are expected to be present for a minimum of two weeks in each of the two locations (Potsdam-Golm and Groningen). Both Artist-in-Residence stays are intermitted by a private time for the artist to develop the final project. It is at the chosen hosting institution for the second Artist-in-Residence stay where the work will be showcased later on. A commitment of the artist to deliver an art-piece within one year after the starting date of the residency will be requested.
Artists will be free to work on their own projects but will also be expected to interact with their colleagues, participate in the lectures and group talks during their stay and document/ share their experiences for both academic and general audiences in an online form.
The artist will be expected to be in-residence for 2+2 weeks between June and September 2017.
The two-day workshop „Art & The City: New Cultural Maps“ explores intuitions, approaches, views and actions from different perspectives and cultures, facing questions and dilemmas related to heritage management and governance in multi-cultural urban and metropolitan frameworks.
The discussion will focus upon the radical change affecting society and the economy, and transforming the cultural paradigm from a competitive and dimensional struggle into a participative and synergic challenge, with new needs to cross-fertilise tradition and innovation.
Economists, urbanists, jurists, architects, philosophers and artists will perform an intensive and nonprejudicial exchange aimed at crafting sharp questions and drawing credible trails to our future, in the awareness of the growing importance of art and culture in social dynamics.
download the programme The event will be filmed and videos soon available!
If you would like to host a satellite edition of Innovate Heritage, please get in contact at